Living Without Borders, Growing Up Mexican in America

Living Beyond Borders
Growing Up Mexican in America

Longoria, M. (2021). Living Beyond Borders: Growing Up Mexican in America (M. Longoria, Ed.). Penguin Young Readers Group. ISBN 9780593204979

Plot Summary:

In this mixed-media collection of short stories, personal essays, poetry, and comics, this celebrated group of authors share the borders they have crossed, the struggles they have pushed through, and the two cultures they continue to navigate as Mexican Americans. Living Beyond Borders is at once an eye-opening, heart-wrenching, and hopeful love letter from the Mexican American community to today's young readers.

- (Jane, 2022)


In this collection of stories, twenty different authors offer their unique expressions of what it means to be Mexican American. I was struck by the depth of feeling in their words, and also by the artistry in their writing.  I was reminded that for all of our differences, as a human family we have much in common. The authors told stories of anger and insecurity, love and jealousy, pride and contentment. They fell in and out of love, they wandered in search of  themselves, and in the end they all long for a sense of belonging. Longoria's craftsmanship is evident as she facilitates a diverse and captivating flow in her collection. Each story moves effortlessly into the next. The book is an impressive gathering of respected authors. Their contributions helped me understand a perspective different from my own, and changed the way I see the world around me. This is a beautiful book that I would recommend for any YA reader.

Book Reviews:

These selections explore how it feels to be seen as “other,” even while having been a part of this land for generations. The stories encourage Mexican American readers to listen to their inner voice and not let it be silenced. Each selection offers something distinct in this multifaceted work that doesn’t prioritize the white gaze. It will make a lasting impression on all readers. 

(Paz, S. (2021). Living Beyond Borders: Growing Up Mexican in America. School Library Journal, 67(8), 90.)

This superlative collection of fiction, essays, poetry, and graphic vignettes is as varied as its contributors. The experiences portrayed in this anthology are deeply personal with sharp, heartfelt ruminations on the experience of living on the "cusp of two cultures," as Longoria notes in the introduction. 

(Agudelo, J. (2021). Living beyond Borders: Growing Up Mexican in America. Booklist, 117(22), 51.)


  • After reading these stories, I wanted to read more from the contributing authors. The back of the book gives a brief bio for each one and some titles for further reading.


Jane, R. (2022, August 30). Retrieved September 29, 2023, from

Longoria, M. (2021). Living Beyond Borders: Growing Up Mexican in America (M. Longoria, Ed.). Penguin Young Readers Group.

This review was created as an assignment for SHSU LSSL 5385.

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